
About Bret
Your coach at Well Balanced Horsemanship is Bret Lambdin.
Bret grew up with horses and has worked around them the majority of his life, spending over 20 years professionally working with horses and ponies of numerous breeds.
In addition to that, he has been involved with teaching, coaching and training for over 30 years.
As Vice president and training coordinator for Dur-A-Shield International, being a guest speaker at many PWNA training conferences, EPA meetings and sitting on the board of directors of PWNA and Enviro Wash U.S.A. as well as having over 1,000 hours of flight instruction given, and spending 8 years as a Field Training Officer at the Altamonte Springs Police Department before his retirement in 2017, Bret developed a unique style of instructing and coaching which he has incorporated into his horse training facility located in Mount Dora Florida.
He is also committed to helping Americas Wild Mustangs become confident partners for the equestrian family in multiple disciplines, by participating in the Mustang Heritage Foundation TIP program as an approved trainer and has served on the Board of Directors for the Southern Obstacle Challenge Association as well as been a certified judge for EXCA.
Bret has spent the last several years studying the neuroscience behind how horses think and respond to stimulus and applying the science to real life scenarios for behavior corrections and training. He is now passing on this information in his clinics, lessons and online learning programs.
He has spent over 10 years at this location coaching new and experienced horsemen and women, helping them gain confidence and expand their skills and is highly sought after due to his passionate and encompassing coaching style, abilities with problem horses and understanding of how to connect the neuroscience behind how horses think to training applications.
Bret competed in the Florida Extreme Mustang Makeover in 2017, placing 5th and is looking forward to competing again in the future. He was also selected to compete in the Extreme Mustang Makeover (which is by invitation only) in 2017 but had to withdraw due to damage to the stable from Hurricane Irma. Bret also loves competing in the Extreme Cowboy Racing events and has competed at the World Championships.
Though his business background is extensive and successful, his spiritual background is a completely different story. (Keep reading to the end to see why “tragic story” was not used here).
Bret accepted Christ as his savior at a young age and vividly remembers that moment he asked Christ to forgive him of his sins. He later followed in baptism and was active in his home church as a teenager, but tragically never really grew in his Christian walk with God, nor put God first in his life.
After graduating high school and attending some college Bret grew further and further from God and when some tragic things occurred in his life, he put the blame on God and spent the next 30 years blaming God for his problems. Though he never lost his belief in God, he had no desire to have anything to do with God.
As other events happened Bret continued to place more and more blame on God for his problems.
Satan had Bret right where he wanted him. Hurt and broken, blaming God, an alcoholic and killing himself with tobacco.
But down deep, Bret always knew the truth, and the Holy Sprit never stopped working in his heart. It was his sins and failure to have a relationship with God which led to each of the events he blamed God for and it was his pride keeping him from admitting it.
As he was dating his future wife, Sheli, the Holy Spirit was working on both of them. They both knew an important piece was missing from their lives, and that piece was a walk with God.
But Bret had to come to terms with the truth and put his pride aside… admitting the sin in his life was the real issue and asking God for forgiveness of all the mess he was responsible for in his life.
Gods Word states in 1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” One simple request from my heart for forgiveness wiped out 30 years of rebellion.
It was harder for Bret to forgive himself for that rebellion that it was for God to….. Because Christ paid the price for all our sins when he died on the cross and defeated death by His resurrection!
Bret & Sheli started seeking Gods will in their lives as they began searching for a church home and recommitted themselves to God. They gave the reins of guidance to God and haven’t slowed down since.
After much searching and prayer, they found a church home at Victory Baptist Church in Eustis Florida and their relationship with Christ has just continued to be fruitful.
Alcohol and tobacco has just become a bad memory for Bret with no desire for it, as its been replaced with Gods Word, daily devotional studies, prayer and a hunger to share the Gospel with others.
This story is not a tragic one as God has taken the reins at Well Balanced Horsemanship, with its priority focused on ministering to the equestrian family.
This is a story of Gods love, patience and forgiveness and that
He is powerful enough to fulfill his promise found in
Romas 8:28 “And we know that all things work together
for good to them that love God, to them who are the called
according to His purpose”.
Bret began working with Cowboys for Christ in 2025,
attending Rodeos, Horse Shows and Equestrian Events
to share the Gospel of Christ with others in the Equestrian World.
“All the pain, sorrow, sin, running from God and grief I have had in my life due to my sin and refusal to honor God and live for Him has been worth it…. IF I can use these things to show just one person how much God loves them and desperately desires to save them from an eternity in Hell”
-Bret Lambdin

Drawing from over 3 decades of experience in teaching, training and horsemanship
Bret Lambdin brings to you his innovative and simplistic style of teaching to help you build a true relationship with your horse.
By teaching basic solid horsemanship principles, instilling a core question of "What's in it for the horse" and explaining how to build your leadership in a way a horse can understand and DESIRE a connection, you CAN have a transformational relationship with you horse.
A Truly Transformational Experience for both YOU and your HORSE!